
Gynaecology and Women's Health Counseling

Our doctors answer your questions

You might have a quiery about your health? A doubt about your body? An issue that concerns you? Our doctors are here to answer your questions and give you the right advice. To facilitate navigation, topics are grouped according to your age group.


14-18 years

A difference in the size of your breasts is a frequent occurrence and is completely normal during adolescence. It happens as your breasts grow, during puberty. But don’t worry, this difference will balance itself out over time until it completely disappears.

The difference in size is caused by different responses to hormonal signals in glandular tissue growth. If asymmetry persists after 18 years old, correction with lipostructure is possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us if in doubt.

Irregular cycles are very frequent throughout adolescence and are no cause for concern. Cycles can be highly varied and may be longer or shorter than 28 days.

The absence of menstrual bleeding is most frequently linked to cases of psychological or physical stress on the body. It can also be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Once your cycles become more regular, if you experience more than 3 months without menstrual bleeding, it would be wise to come in for a consultation in order to carry out a hormonal assessment and an ultrasound of the genital organs in order to identify a diagnosis.

The absence of menstruation for a period of over 3 months is known as secondary amenorrhea (secondary as opposed to primary, which refers to a girl who has never had her periods). This condition frequently occurs when the body is subject to physical or psychological stress.

In your daughter’s case, insufficient calorie intake may also play a part in the situation.

As a general rule, it is wise to come in for a consultation after a period of over 3 months with no menstruation. During this consultation, your daughter will be able to complete a hormonal assessment, as well as an ultrasound of her internal genital organs.

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