Specialists in holistic Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapies and Lifestyle
At Clinique Suisse, we totally get that the menopause journey can be a real rollercoaster ride for women, and we want you to know that we’re here to support you every step of the way with personalized care and attention.
Personalised treatment
We know that every woman’s body is different, which is why we offer a tailored approach to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) that adapts treatments to your unique hormonal profile, giving you the best possible chance of achieving optimal results. Our team takes the time to get to know you as an individual, ensuring that your treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs and concerns.
Special formulations just for you
BHRT is an awesome option for women who want to flow through menopause with confidence and ease. Unlike traditional hormone replacement therapies, our personalized approach uses hormones identical in structure to those produced by your body, which means you’ll experience fewer unwanted side effects and greater efficacy. Our treatment is designed in our laboratory based on your unique hormonal profile, ensuring that it’s perfectly suited to your body’s needs.
Your journey with us
When you come in for a consultation, we’ll start by taking blood tests and imaging exams to measure hormonal deficiencies and assess your overall health and any eventual restrictions to the treatment. Over time, we’ll then adjust your dosage gradually to achieve an effective response at the lowest possible dose. Regular medical follow-up ensures optimal results.
What to expect
BHRT is designed for women experiencing hormonal imbalances or menopausal symptoms looking for an alternative to classical one size fits all classical hormone replacement therapy.
Our personalized bio-identical treatment can offer numerous benefits, including:
- Relief of menopausal symptoms and PMS (Premenstural Syndrome)
- Relief from hot flushes
- Improvement of sexual function
- Improvement of brain function
- Improvement of skin and tissue texture and elasticity.
- Improvement of sleep quality
- Improvement of physical performance
- Improvement of mood and psychological well-being
- Improvement of blood circulation and fat metabolism
- Improvement of bone density