Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT-B)
A natural hormonal therapy to help you get through hormonal disorders and menopause. More effective hormones without side effects.
Bioidentical therapy is an interesting alternative to counter hormonal imbalances and menopausal disorders. The treatment is administered by means of hormonal substances custommade in the laboratory, with a molecular structure identical to that of the hormones synthesized by the human body.
What is the difference between bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT-B) and standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
• HRT-B uses hormones with a molecular structure identical to the hormones produced by our body.
• The hormones used in conventional HRT have a molecular structure similar to those produced by our body but not identical. The structural difference in synthetic hormones gives them a different action on the body, which can lead to side effects. On the other hand, the hormones used in HRT-B reproduce in an almost identical way the effects that would be produced by the hormones synthesized by your body, thus reducing the undesirable effects that can be encountered with HRT.
• Standard HRT is produced with predefined doses for a mass of patients according to the “single dose” mode, which does not represent the reality of the functioning of our organism, whose needs in hormone substitution are different from one individual to another. HRT-B is therefore a closer response to needs, since the dose and prescription are personalized after a detailed assessment for each patient.
Who is HRT-B for and am I concerned?
• Bio-identical hormones have a beneficial action in reducing the symptoms of hormonal imbalance found in perimenopause, menopause and are also effective in cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). HRT-B is also an alternative for women suffering from Endometriosis as part of a combined treatment. This therapy is also suitable for new mothers with baby blues or to help with postpartum depression.
• Bioidentical hormone therapy HRT-B is an alternative to conventional hormone therapy. A formulation of hormones structurally identical to those produced by the body’s own endocrine glands can be used to treat the following conditions
o premenstrual syndrome PMS
o perimenopause
o menopause
o menopausal symptoms
o endometriosis
o thyroid function disorders
o melancholic mood
Are bio-identical hormones natural?
The term natural is used to indicate that the molecular structure of the hormone replicates the molecular structure found in nature or in the body. The hormones we use in therapy are made identically to those produced by the endocrine glands in the body.
Your doctor will prescribe a formulation according to your needs after careful analysis of your analyses and various tests and according to your symptoms.
How does your consultation work?
We offer women a holistic and personalized care. Depending on your choice, your treatment can be done digitally or in person. We are delighted to welcome you to Clinique Suisse. We are at your side every step of the way.
Your initial consultation
This first consultation is designed to establish a precise diagnosis and to know your needs and the goals you wish to achieve. It includes a detailed history and an evaluation of your lifestyle.
A complete blood check-up is performed to measure the level of hormonal deficiency. A recent mammogram and imaging of the uterus and ovaries are also necessary and should be ordered at this consultation.
Your personalized management plan within 24 hours
A member of the Clinique Suisse team will contact you to establish your customized management plan and guide you through the steps established by your doctor (blood test, radiological imaging, 2nd appointment with the doctor.
Your 2nd appointment with your doctor (2-6 weeks)
With all of your tests and results in hand, your doctor will discuss the options for your personalized management and a customized bioidentical treatment. Following this consultation, your doctor will write the prescription for the HRT-B that will be manufactured for you.
You will receive from the comfort of your home your box with the customized treatment.
3-4 months after starting your HRT-B
An appointment will be scheduled with your doctor to assess your progress and the disappearance of symptoms and to see if your treatment needs to be adapted. A new hormonal blood test may be prescribed in order to adapt the doses.
Evaluation every 3 to 6 months
In order for you to benefit from your treatment and to follow your progress, a quarterly or semi-annual consultation is proposed by your doctor. At the end of this consultation, additional examinations may be prescribed. In general, we recommend imaging of the internal genitalia at least once a year and imaging of the breasts every 1-2 years, depending on the number of years of substitution.
Important: If you experience any unusual symptoms or side effects, contact a member of our team immediately to schedule a consultation with your doctor.
How to book an appointment?
Our bio-identical consultations are available digitally or in person and can be taken by clicking on the link below:
Your care in detail
Your initial consultation
What should I have available for my first consultation?
• Yourcompletemedicalhistory
• A brief description of your lifestyle and eating habits
• your family history, including whether any women in your family have had breast, uterine or ovarian cancer
• Send us any imaging of the internal genitalia and breast on our platform. If these are not available or are older than one year, a new examination may be ordered.
• Bone densitometry is important, especially in the case of hormone deficiency. Calcium and vitamin D deficiencies may also be present in the case of hormone deficiency. A global osteoporosisassessmentmaybeprescribed.
In the case of a digital consultation, you will be contacted by a member of our team 1 hour before the first consultation to assist you and to verify with you the medical documents you wish to send to the doctor.
For the digital consultation, a member of our team will forward you the link for your consultation and will check with you the quality of your connection. At the time of your appointment, you will just have to click on the link that was given to you ☺
Your first consultation will be detailed and will last 45 minutes. Your doctor will listen to you and determine with you what you want to achieve and what you expect from this consultation. He or she will review your medical history, symptoms and explain the importance of hormone balance. He will introduce you to the concept of HRT-B and how it can benefit you. During your consultation, your doctor will provide you with initial advice on how to improve your health and lifestyle. Customized investigations will be prescribed according to your goals and symptoms.
Within 24 hours of your initial consultation, a member of our team will contact you to establish your personalized management plan and organize your customized blood tests, additional investigations and breast and pelvic imaging. Your blood test can be arranged at home. It is at this stage that we will ask you to pay for the tests prescribed by your doctor and confirm all your appointments for the tests as well as for your 2nd appointment with your doctor. You will then receive a copy of your treatment plan and all the information related to the investigations.
Personalized assessment and investigations
These examinations are essential in order to have a complete picture of your health and to be able to safely prescribe your bioidentical hormone treatment (HRT-B). A member of our team will accompany you through these examinations and the indications will be specified in the investigation plan that you will receive. It is important that your doctor has time to go through all of these tests before your second appointment. If your appointment has not been scheduled, please contact a member of our team.
Please note that all of these tests are billed separately from your bio-identical consultations.
Your 2nd appointment with your doctor (2-6 weeks)
How can I prepare for this 2nd consultation?
Note any changes in symptoms since your first visit
• Make a list of any questions you might have
• Report any changes in medical dosage
This second consultation can only take place once the doctor has received all of your blood work and the various investigations. It is during this consultation that the doctor will review with you all the results of your test and will establish with you your personalized treatment plan as well as the customized prescription of HRT-B.
This consultation can take place digitally or in person, depending on your wishes.
Conditions of cancellation
Any cancellation within 48 hours will be charged.
Important: If your last consultation was more than 12 months ago, it will be necessary to book a new consultation.
Your personalized prescription
We will send your prescription for bio-identical hormone treatment to our pharmacy. This treatment will be custommade and sent directly to your home. Upon receipt of your treatment, please check that the contents correspond to the prescription you received. Your prescription is valid for 6 months and can be renewed.
The beginning of your treatment
Your doctor will have given you instructions on when to start your treatment. Very quickly you should begin to feel the benefits of your bioidentical HRT-B treatment. However, hormone balancing may take up to three months to reveal its full potential.
It is during the follow-up appointment that you will discuss with your doctor if the dose is appropriate. If it is not strong enough, or if it is too strong, your doctor will adapt the dosage according to your needs.
Any side effects?
Please refer to the side effect chart provided by your doctor.
Follow-up consultations
Follow-up visits can take place every 3-6 months to assess your body’s adaptation to HRT-B and to correct dosages if necessary. We recommend annual blood work and annual pelvic imaging to assess the thickness of your endometrium (tissue inside your uterus). These consultations can be done via video or in person.
Clinique Suisse Montreux
First clinic entirely dedicated to Women’s health
Grand Rue 3 , 1820 Montreux, Suisse
T +41 21 966 81 81
Cosmetic, Medicine & Surgery unit
T +41 21 966 82 82