Gynaecological consultations – 18 to 26 years old
- Detailed medical history of the patient using a holistic approach (women’s medicine), evaluating potential risk factors and family history.
- Full gynaecological check-up including: screening for cellular changes to the cervix, colposcopy, detection of vaginal infections or sexually transmitted disease, clinical evaluation of internal and external genital organs.
- Where necessary, during this examination we evaluate the possible occurrence of pelvic organ descent, bladder disorders or anal conditions (anal skin tags, haemorrhoids, anal fissures).
- Breast examination. Breast cancer screening.
- Internal or external pelvic ultrasound (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, rectovaginal septum). Detection of cysts, polyps and endometriosis. Dilated fallopian tubes (hydrosalpinx).
- If the situation so requires, a blood sample will be prescribed for the detection of hormonal disorders, anaemia, metabolic disorders or vitamin deficiencies.
- Medical report, recommendations and prescription for treatment where necessary.