

Your pregnancy – 26 to 35 years old

  • We monitor your pregnancy with all of the passion and attention it deserves.
  • Pregnancy is accepted by insurance companies from the 13th week. Consultations and ultrasounds carried out before this date are covered by health insurance. For a low-risk pregnancy, the first prenatal visits will take place in the 6th week. For pregnancies considered to be high risk, we recommend scheduling a visit in the 4th week.
  • The 1st trimester examination takes place between the 13th and 14th weeks and includes:
    • Clinical maternity and gynaecological examination (possibly with smear test) with weight and blood pressure measurements and a urine analysis.
    • Full serology blood test (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, chicken pox, VDRL, syphilis, hepatitis B & C, HIV) with checks for anaemia, iron deficiency and thyroid disorders.
    • A dating ultrasound with an evaluation of the baby’s positioning and vitality, biometrics and identification of potential malformations. During this ultrasound, we measure nuchal translucency, for which the value is calculated in millimetres and paired with the level of plasma protein A (PAPP-A) in the mother’s blood in order to evaluate the risk of trisomy.
    • In the case of a high risk of trisomy, a non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD or NIPT) will be carried out through a blood test for the mother. This will tell us with certainty whether or not a chromosomal malformation is present.
    • From 16 weeks, verification for potential spina bifida or the non-closure of the foetus’ neural tube. An early morphological ultrasound is possible.
    • After the 20th week, a more comprehensive morphological ultrasound is performed, allowing screening for malformations.
    • At around the 26th week, we screen for gestational diabetes.
    • Ultrasound monitoring of the baby’s growth at subsequent appointments.
    • At around the 36th week, we carry out vulvar sampling in order to check for group B streptococcus, known to increase the risk of neonatal infection.
    • Preparation of dossier for delivery at the maternity ward.

Do you have a Swiss insurance number?

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